

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Queen Mary 2 and Partner



1. What convenience does The Ship Partner information system provide to passengers of the Queen Mary 2? What entertainment services could be made available to passengers through this digital network?

Ans: The convenience information system provided to passengers by the Queen Mary 2 which is the plastic bar-coded card that presented to passengers upon checking in. The card is used while on board to make purchases, which are then billed on board to make passengers account. It is also swipe as guests leave and return to the ship to track passenger location.

Passengers in each cabin had access to digital entertainment such as on-demand movies and interactive television. Each cabins also wired with internet access and network services, an example passengers use the network to make shore excursion reservation and dinner plans.

2. How does The Ship Partner information system assists ship managers with their duties and responsibilities?

Ans:The Ship Partner IS system assists ship managers to run reports that showing which passengers are on board. Like on how many will be attending the morning exercise class and which entree was most popular at last night's dinner. The ship massive data network brings order where there once was chaos. It also can used to track systems security, billing, telephone service and other operations in effectively and accurate. The information system will help ship manager provide the efficiency services to all passengers and they can manage their record in properly.

3. How does The Ship Partner information system assist Cunard in competing in travel industry? What other travel and leisure industries would benefit from a system like The Ship Partner?

Ans: The Ship Partner information system assist Cunard while competing in travel industry with provided specialized system and providing valuable information for better services to passengers and a society with a higher quality o life. While the other travel and leisure industries would benefit from a system like The Ship Partner is a Hotel Management companies. It is because of some of the Queen Mary 2 services that provide to customers were same as Hotel Management services. bar-coded card as an example was a great idea for hotel industries. This access card can be control by management and all the information system data can easily get by hotel manager. All the customers charges can directly billed under the customer account. The customer also can easily order the dinner and enter gym or sauna easily by using the access card.

4. Why is it important for The Ship Partner to have a backup system? How would a system wide failure affect the functioning of the ship?

ANS: If in case the primary system fails, The Ship Partner information system needs a backup system to take over automatically. This information system is used to track security, billing and other operations. All these information system are highly important for the business record and can help decisions makers to achieve company goals. This backup system is very important to track all the record.

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